Timely. Trusted. Secure.
All Green Transport is a licensed medical and recreational transporter of cannabis products and payments to-from licensed marijuana businesses. We are committed to providing unparalleled safety, service and opportunity to our communities, our employees and the products our clients entrust to our care.
Secure, local facilities
Fully LARA and MMFLA-compliant
Priority employment given to local community members
Dedicated to timely, safe and secure transportation
Committed and involved in the community
Michigan-wide coverage
GPS fleet tracking of vehicles
State-of-the-art freezer transport trailers
Daily cash deposits for Live Life Credit Union members (eliminates actual cash exchange)
Focused on helping U.S. military veterans

At All Green Transport, we put a premium on the safety and security of our people, our customers and our community. ​
Employees and drivers tested and vetted before employment
State-approved, licensed and insured
Shipments are METRC-tracked, monitored and verified
24/7 security cameras at our facilities

We Take Safety and Security Seriously.

Our vehicles are designed to provide the utmost security for our employees, customers and community which includes 360° video surveillance recording of interior and exterior of the vehicle, GPS tracking, bulletproof glass, and a cash vault.

We offer secure, state-of-the-art freezer transportation trailers (‘reefer’) for transporting significant quantities of cannabis and ensuring product quality through precise temperature control.
The CacheSYSTEM® 7300 Series provides the ultimate level of cash control by limiting cash exposure and the combined benefits of cash-counting and bill validation with change-fund management, and an audit trail of all transactions.

All Green Transport offers clients our exclusive “Virtual Credit Union”. We can provide automated same-day cash deposits through an affiliation with Live Life Federal Credit Union. No cash exchanged is safer and provides greater control of payments.

Giving Back is How We Move Forward.
From its inception, All Green Transport has been committed to enriching the communities we serve by:
Helping U.S. military veterans secure meaningful employment
Assisting local communities with important initiatives
Supporting local law enforcement professionals
Giving preference to hiring local, qualified applicants.

Kalkaska Sergeant Cole Nagy with the newest member of the K-9 Unit, Tezka

An Example of Our Community Commitment
Kalkaska K-9 Program
We believe in being model corporate citizens in every community in which we have the privilege of serving.
As such, we are proud to support the K-9 program for Kalkaska law enforcement, and those who so unselfishly serve it.